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This rat is the size of a dog.

This Miss Universe broke all the records.

You must know about the 10 facts about Google Search.

1. More than 60,000 searches are conducted on Google in one second. Mean 2095100000000 search in a year !! Interesting !!

2. Google bought a video sharing site in 2006. Which we know as Youtube.

3. 96% of Google Revenue comes from advertising only. Which is 3719 billion dollars.

4. In a week more than 20,000 people apply for a job in Google.

5. Google has taken photographs of 8 million 46 thousand KM for its Street Map.

6. Google Search's database is 100 million GB.

7. After 2010 Google has purchased at least one company every week.

8. Google earns Rs. 1,30,900 in 1 second.

9. Google started in 1995.

10. Google started Gmail on April 1, 2004.


Was it right to save this child from dying?

If this happens to you, run away.

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